Olivia Belli releases new EP Sonus Noctis

Italian pianist & composer shares her new project, Sonus Noctis, in which she explores “the sound of the night.”
“A natural sound that changes in the transition phase between evening and night: before sunset, there is almost a moment of frenzy, a meeting of nature that for me sounds like a greeting to the sun … you hear a very strong thrill, a last burst of life before sinking into sleep. After that, we can contemplate a few minutes of almost total silence in an ecstatic phase that follows the trend of light with shades of orange. And finally, almost as if it came from underground, the nocturnal sounds appear,” Belli describes.
As for her last EP, Somnio Novo, where she explores the light of the night, a direct inspiration is the music of Chopin: “For me, studying what he has done, imagined and created is a path of enrichment and deepening; this process encourages me to try to express with my style all that he had already seen in the night, feelings that are unchanged but which now present themselves with a new appearance.”
Two music videos accompany the EP – Berceuse, shot during sunset, and Nocturne IV in the dark.
Stream Sonus Noctis here.